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What We Believe

"What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us." - A.W. Tozer

Our Beliefs

1.  We believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible (unalterable) Word of God, written by holy men of old, as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. (II Tim 3:16, II Peter 1:20-1)
2.  We believe that salvation comes only through the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the only begotten Son of the Father, Conceived of the Holy Ghost and born of the Virgin Mary. That Jesus was crucified, was buried and rose from the grave on the third day, ascended up to heaven and is today at the right hand of the Father, as our intercessor. (Jn 14:6, PS.2:7, II Pet. 1:17, Eph. 4:10, Acts 2:33, Heb. 7:25, I Jn, 2:1-2)
3.  We believe that Jesus is God incarnated in the flesh. (Jn 1:1-2, 13-14, I Tim. 3:16)
4.  We believe that all have sinned and fallen short of God's glory. Repentance, therefore, is required by God and is necessary for forgiveness of sins. (Rom. 3:23, Matt. 9:13, Acts 5:31)
5.  We believe in being baptized in water in the name of Jesus according to Matthew 28:19, Romans 6:4, Acts 2:38, Acts 10:48 and Acts 22:16.
6.  We believe in the baptism of the Joly Spirit according to Acts 2:4 and speaking in tongues is the initial evidence.
7.  We believe int the full operation of the gifts through the Holy Ghost.
8.  believe that divine healing provides for all, in His atonement. (Isa. 53:5, I Pet, 2:24)
9.  We believe in the many miracles of God. (Acts 2:22, Acts 14:3)
11. We believe that the Lord's Supper should be commemorated. (I Cor. 11:23-30)
12. We believe that the resurrection and rapture of the true Church of God is imminent. (I Thess. 4:16, I Cor. 15:42-44, 51-53)
13. We believe that the final judgement of the living, the dead and the final establishment of a new heaven and earth wherein righteousness dwells is also imminent. (II Cor. 5:10, Rev. 20:12-13, II Pet. 3:13, Rev. 21:1)
14. We believe God has commanded us t go into the highways and hedges and to tell of the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. (Luke 14:23)

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